(function (obj, $, undefined) {
obj['Researching'] = 'Researching...';
obj['Welcome'] = 'Welcome to your village! ';
obj['qb_SpeedUpDowngrade_ServantFinishNow'] = '15 Servants';
obj['rsr_UnlocksLightCavalry'] = 'Unlocks Light Cavalry';
obj['All_Resarchers_Busy'] = 'All Resarchers Busy';
obj['ActionPanel'] = 'You can tap this header, to open the ACTION PANEL to wage war, contact other players etc';
obj['tutorialSelectResearch'] = 'Find a research technology available now, and click it to begin research.';
obj['tapToLoadMore'] = '[%cnt% more. Tap to load more]';
obj['Upgrade'] = 'Upgrade to next level now.';
obj['Requirements_Not_Satisfied'] = 'Requirements Not Satisfied';
obj['noTroops'] = '
No %Dir% troops |
obj['tomorrow_at'] = 'tomorrow at ';
obj['TapResearch'] = 'Find a research technology available now, and tap it to begin research.';
obj['rsr_WorkshopRecruitSpeed'] = 'Workshop Recruit Speed';
obj['qb_SpeedUpDowngrade_CutFinishNow'] = 'Downgrade Now';
obj['OhLook'] = 'Oh look! You have completed a quest!';
obj['rsr_DefenseFactor'] = 'Defense Factor';
obj['showAll'] = 'Show all %Dir%';
obj['rsr_UnlocksTrebuchet'] = 'Unlocks Trebuchet';
obj['qb_SpeedUp_Servant15'] = '5 Servants';
obj['qb_SpeedUp_Servant60'] = '10 Servants';
obj['rsr_UnlocksSpy'] = 'Unlocks Spy';
obj['spell_name_speedupFinishnow'] = 'Time Stop';
obj['GreatFirstTarget'] = 'Once you have recruited more troops, rebel villages make a great first target for expanding your empire.';
obj['SwipeMap'] = 'Great! Swiping, moves the map to a new location, try this now.';
obj['Rename'] = 'Rename Clan';
obj['today_at'] = 'today at ';
obj['SilverResearchGroup'] = 'Click on the Silver Mine research group.';
obj['ReturnToVoV'] = 'Now lets return to your village overview';
obj['qb_SpeedUp_Servant1'] = '1 Servant';
obj['rsr_UnlocksKnight'] = 'Unlocks Knight';
obj['NewVersionRefresh_msg2'] = '
What\'s new?
obj['TapRebelVillage'] = 'Well done! Now tap on a rebel village - one with
icon. Tap it to center the blue square pointer on the rebel. ';
obj['qb_SpeedUp_Cut1'] = 'Cut 1 Min';
obj['tutorialEnterSM'] = 'Lets upgrade it to increase production. Click it to enter.';
obj['Not_Enough_Silver'] = 'Not Enough Silver';
obj['NewVersionRefresh_msg'] = 'New version is available! Hit Refresh to reload the game to ensure it works correctly.';
obj['spell_name_speedup1'] = 'Time Snip';
obj['NewVersionRefresh_later'] = 'Later';
obj['reportTitle'] = 'Reports';
obj['ExploreTheMap'] = 'It’s a good idea to explore the map to learn about other players near you.';
obj['rsr_LoadingResearchInformation'] = 'Loading research information.';
obj['qb_SpeedUp_Servant240'] = '30 Servants';
obj['incoming'] = 'incoming';
obj['CloseSpeedUp'] = 'Excellent! Now close the speed up popup';
obj['spell_name_speedup240'] = 'Time Slash';
obj['spell_name_speedup60'] = 'Time Cut';
obj['spell_name_speedup15'] = 'Time Chop';
obj['WellDone'] = 'Well done! Now tap the X to return to your village overview. ';
obj['Research'] = 'Here are the groups of technologies you can research.';
obj['rsr_FarmOutput'] = 'Farm Output';
obj['limit'] = '"Limit to current village only"';
obj['qb_SpeedUp_Cut60'] = 'Cut 1 Hour';
obj['qb_SpeedUp_Cut15'] = 'Cut 15 Min';
obj['InOut'] = 'In & Outgoing';
obj['Items'] = 'The Bazaar and Inventory';
obj['spell_name_speedupDowngradenow'] = 'Fireball';
obj['Swipe'] = 'You can swipe left and right to explore all possible research items.';
obj['rsr_TradePostCapacity'] = 'TradePost Capacity';
obj['RefreshList'] = 'Refresh Village List';
obj['Click_To'] = 'Click to research now';
obj['TappingAVillage'] = 'Great! Tapping on a village displays basic information about it, see the header';
obj['rsr_SilverProduction'] = 'Silver Production';
obj['FreeMapExplore'] = 'Feel free to explore the map now, click next when done';
obj['rsr_LoadingResearchAssets'] = 'Loading research assets.
This may take a few seconds on the first load.';
obj['TappingMap'] = 'Tapping on a village, selects it. Try this now. ';
obj['NewVersionRefresh_refresh'] = 'Refresh';
obj['ResearchEmpire'] = 'Research is critical to growing your empire. ';
obj['EmpireGrasp'] = 'Now that you have a grasp of your own empire, lets take a look at the world around you. ';
obj['rsr_TreasuryCapacity'] = 'Treasury Capacity';
obj['qb_SpeedUp_ServantFinishNow'] = 'Servants';
obj['GetMoreSilver'] = 'You can also get more silver by improving mining technologies. Lets go visit your kingdom’s researchers. ';
obj['SilverCurrentLevel'] = 'This is your silver mine’s current level.';
obj['MineIsUpgrading'] = 'Your silver mine is upgrading. Speed up the upgrade to complete it instantly! ';
obj['rsr_BarracksRecruitSpeed'] = 'Barracks Recruit Speed';
obj['TapToEnter'] = 'Lets upgrade it to increase production. Tap it to enter. ';
obj['outgoing'] = 'outgoing';
obj['qb_SpeedUp_Cut240'] = 'Cut 4 Hours';
obj['CanNotUpgrade'] = 'You cannot upgrade to the next level at this time! Complete all requirements for the next level, then come back here to upgrade ';
obj['PremiumFeatures'] = 'Premium Features';
obj['rsr_UnlocksInfantry'] = 'Unlocks Infantry';
obj['qb_SpeedUp_CutFinishNow'] = 'Finish Now';
obj['Neighbor'] = 'Here are your neighbors. ';
obj['rsr_StablesRecruitSpeed'] = 'Stables Recruit Speed';
obj['AcceptNewTitle'] = 'You have unlocked a new title! Hit the X to close popup.';
obj['rsr_TavernRecruitSpeed'] = 'Tavern Recruit Speed';
obj['SilverMineLevel'] = 'As you can see, your silver mine is at level %l%.';
obj['Completed'] = 'Completed!';
obj['IncreaseSilverProduction'] = 'Here are the technologies that increase silver production.';
obj['Save'] = 'save';
obj['Friends'] = 'Some may become friends, but some may become enemies!';
obj['rsr_ConstructionSpeed'] = 'Construction Speed';
obj['TutorialIsNowComplete'] = 'Your tutorial is now complete. Go to the quest window for more guidance - and many helpful rewards. Good luck!
} (window.BDA.Dict = window.BDA.Dict || {}, jQuery));